showing 19 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeargame typetags
Alien Dropout Superior Software1983shooter Science Fiction alieninvasion cassette commercial earth fixedshooter giantinsects instantdeath keyboard license-proprietary lives score labelimageminimize
Astro Plumber Blue Ribbon1985action/reflex Science Fiction asphyxiation instantdeath ladders lives score labelimageminimize
Blagger Alligata1984platformer puzzle falldamage hard humanprotagonist instantdeath jumping lives outlawprotagonist outlaws platformer score timelimit walking labelimageminimize
Caterpillar IJK Software1983shooter centipedelike instantdeath lives score scorpions spiders labelimageminimize
Chuckie Egg A&F Software1984platformer birds claiming instantdeath ladders lives score timelimit labelimageminimize
Commando Elite (Catalyst Coders)1986shooter firearms grenades instantdeath lives militantprotagonist runandgun score labelimageminimize
Croaker Micro Power1983action/reflex 1life amphibianprotagonist animalprotagonist animals birdprotagonist birds cassette commercial difficulty frog froggerlike grid-square gridmove instantdeath keyboard license-proprietary lives score snakes spiders testudines timelimit trucks labelimageminimize
Crystal Castles U.S. Gold1986action/reflex maze anthroprotagonist claiming instantdeath lives score ursineprotagonist walking labelimageminimize
Dead or Alive Alternative Software1987shooter Historical gunslingers instantdeath lives score western labelimageminimize
Hercules The Power House;Alpha Omega (Wise Owl Software)1987platformer Fantasy grecoromanmythology heracles instantdeath ladders lives platformer score labelimageminimize
Hopper Acornsoft1984action/reflex amphibianprotagonist animalprotagonist deadlywater frog froggerlike instantdeath lives score testudines timelimit labelimageminimize
Jet Set Willy Tynesoft1985platformer cassette claiming commercial disappearingplatforms falldamage harmfultouch instantdeath jetsetwilly keyboard license-proprietary lives platformer timelimit walking willyminer labelimageminimize
Jet Set Willy II: The Final Frontier Tynesoft1986platformer claiming disappearingplatforms falldamage harmfultouch instantdeath jetsetwilly lives platformer timelimit walking willyminer labelimageminimize
Killer Gorilla Micro Power1984platformer did donkeykonglike instantdeath ladders lives rescue score labelimageminimize
Mined Out Quicksilva1984puzzle 1life cassette commercial explosives instantdeath license-proprietary mines score labelimageminimize
Nightmare Maze Blue Ribbon1985action/reflex maze instantdeath keys lives monsters score timelimit labelimageminimize
Panik! Atlantis Software1987platformer instantdeath ladders lives platformer score labelimageminimize
Spectipede Mastertronic1984shooter fixedshooter instantdeath lives score labelimageminimize
Thrust Superior Software1986action/reflex Science Fiction caveflyer fuel instantdeath lives tractorbeams labelimageminimize